The Starlight Method

A unique & potent fusion of grounded cognitive awareness techniques, hypnotherapy & multi-dimensional energy healing.  By accessing all parts of our being,
This method of multi-dimensional healing, developed naturally as I honed my healing & intuitive gifts over many years. It is a unique & interactive experience where you are led into a deeply relaxed state, akin to hypnosis; although you are fully aware throughout, you will feel your cosmic connection to your higher self.  As I guide you to relax and visualise, we will tune in and see where the blocks are in your energy system. Together we will clear out the blockages in your energy body and auric field.  Combining  powerful,  positive statements to reprogram your subconscious mind and recode your energetic system. Flushing out the stagnant energies that have been holding you back.

Singularly, the following healing methods I use in my unique Starlight Method are very effective, the combination of all three, is a potent cocktail of transformation!


Allows access to the subconscious mind, where we hold all our negative conditioning of our past, accessing the subconscious in a deeply relaxed state allows for new, positive re-programming to be effortlessly installed, without interference from the conscious mind, our mind becomes like a sponge ready to receive, and soak up new powerful positive suggestions. 

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

 Directly addresses the correlation of the impact our thoughts have on our feelings and how our feelings directly affect our behaviour and thus our outcomes in life. When we identify and modify our negative thinking patterns and behaviours, we discover we hold the power to create lasting change in our life. 

Energy healing

Allows you to re-discover the multi-dimensional nature of yourself. You have an energetic system flowing through every part of your body, think of your etheric system like an invisible hose flowing through all your vital organs and nervous system. One, or several kinks in that hose causes dis-ease in our physical and mental bodies. 

When our energy is flowing naturally, we feel vibrant, healthy, happy and clear in our minds to make the right decisions and take the right actions to show up in our life in a meaningful and purposeful way, equipped with the tools we need to create a life filled with purpose, fulfilment and joy! 

Are you ready to experience the incredible and numerous benefits of 

The Starlight Method for yourself ?

Are you ready to experience the incredible and numerous benefits of The Starlight Method for yourself ?

Release Stress and Anxiety.

Release the conditioning of your past and install beliefs that support you
                  Increase your energy and feel vibrantly healthy.

Feel happier.

Manage chronic pain in a holistic way.

Heal from the energy of the past and move forward in forgiveness and love.

Discover the well of peace, strength, resilience and love within you.

 Remember your true self
                  And many more.


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