what are they and how do we get out of them fast?

Thinking traps are simply habits of faulty thinking we have fallen into. When we fall into these common traps it makes us feel constricted and lowers our vibration. For more info on these common traps and how to get out of them fast, check out my free PDF on my Free Resources Page

This one is in the top 10:

Fortune telling: are you clairvoyant? Can you see into the future? Do you even own a colourful headscarf and crystal ball? I’m guessing the answer to that one is no. Yet we do this all the time e.g., you get an email from your boss for an unscheduled meeting and immediately jump to the worst-case scenario. This is known as “fortune telling thinking”, so how do we recognise when we are doing this and stop it?

Bring yourself completely into the moment, feel your feet on the floor and look down at your feet. It’s great to be able to do this outside, however if that’s not possible you can do this inside. Observe your surroundings and pick 3 things you can see.

Take 3 deep breaths – this will activate your body’s natural relaxation response system.
Now that you are back in the moment, examine the evidence you have in front of you. Which is, you’ve simply received an email for a meeting. What could you do to take control? Make a list of the reasons for the meeting, are you working on a specific project? Has there been a change to the deadline you need to know about? In truth there could be a myriad of reasons for this email.

By bringing yourself back into the room, you bring your mind back to the present. In this space, you can begin to rationally examine the realism of your fortune telling abilities
Examining the evidence of your thinking is key to realising you have simply fallen into a common thinking trap, and you now know how to climb out of it.